
Brave search
Brave search

brave search

Eventually, search became more a part of the journey and not just a means of conveyance, not simply a first stop on our way outward. Once upon a time, when Google entered the game, search was an elegant door to search for facts and information. Over time, as searchers became more “consumers” than “users,” the place searched occupied in our lives broadened. take place on Microsoft sites and 11% on Verizon Media sites.

brave search

More than 25% of monthly digital searches on desktop in the U.S. Other players have also been claiming their share of the search market for years. From 2020 to 2021 alone, product searches on the platform grew more than 20x year over year. When Pinterest introduced Visual Search and Reverse Image search, it set itself up for a solid Google-free future where the platform would host 5 billion searches per month. Google years ago lost the lead in product searches to Amazon, where the majority of searches really do begin: 66% of online shoppers in the U.S. Perhaps most surprising though is that 69% of the total universe of the respondents from all 10 countries, just over 11,000 people, report a “very positive impact” on their “general well-being or overall quality of life” from their use of search-that’s a higher percentage than the responses on networking or communications or music or video streaming or online marketplaces, which speaks to the exceedingly important and even satisfying place that search serves in our lives. They also say they used an average of 2.84 search engines in the past 12 months. Of the 1,007 U.S.-based respondents, 62% reported using more than one search engine in the past 12 months and nearly 75% said they change their default search and browser settings.

Brave search